domingo, 3 de octubre de 2010

About me...

My name is Valentina Graciela Paredes Monsalve. I was born in Valdivia on October, 21, 1993. I live with my parents whose names are Abraham and Ivette and my little sister, Josefina. I really like to be with my family, even more when my family from Argentina comes and weals get together.

I study at Alonso de Ercilla School. My elementary teacher used to be nice and a good person. Before that started studying here, I used to study in España School. There, used to have very good friends with whom I used to share and play with so much. Nowadays, the friendship got lost with them because we don’t have contact, But we will try to recover our friendship!

I am used to talk with my friends (that are older than me) on weekend because during the weekdays we are busy.

My achievements are, well, I won competitions of karate – Do, I’m brown belt. In the school, I’m the 3° place, and me with my friend won one competition of cueca.

I got used to be more positive and to think that everything it is thanks to God, because of it I must be been grateful and be happy.

I expect to become one doctor, and to be a good person, helping with my work the persons.

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